SE4All(Sustainable Energy for All)フォーラムを開催しました
With a theme, "Building global networks and creating best practices for SE4All”, which promotes public awareness for achievement of SE4All initiatives, the forum was held on the 28th October 2015 in Toyama City for the first time in Japan.
We would like to express our gratitude to all for their active participation at the SE4All Forum.
In this forum, model cases of energy efficient cities, national and local governments, and international organizations were introduced so as to deepen the discussion and understanding of the goals of the initiative.
Panel discussion was conducted in order to promote partnership between governments and private Companies.
日時 Date
平成27年10月28日 水曜日 9時00分から12時40分 28 October, 2015 (Fri) 9 :00~12 :40
場所 Place
富山市国際会議場 メインホール (〒930-0084富山県富山市大手町1-2)
Toyama International COnference Center (1-2 Otemachi, Toyama City, 930-0084, JAPAN)
共催 Co-organizers
共催:国際連合SE4All(United Nations SE4All)、外務省(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)、富山市(Toyama City)、一般財団法人 省エネルギーセンター(Energy Conservation Center, Japan)
会議資料 Conference Material
オープニング Opening Speeches
基調講演:SE4Allの取り組み Keynote Lecture:Introduction of three goals of SE4All and policies addressing the energy issues globally
Mohinder Gulati, Chief Operating Officer of SE4All
Session1:エネルギー効率改善都市の取り組み Sharing information and experiences of cities related to Energy Efficiency
コーディネーター 伊香賀俊治(慶應義塾大学 教授)
Toshiharu Ikaga, Professor, Keio University
Session2:エネルギー効率改善に向けた国や自治体、国際機関等の取り組み Local government, national government and international organizations working on improvement of energy efficiency
Panel Discussion:国際協力とマルチステークホルダー International Cooperation and Multi-Stake Holders
コーディネーター 藤野純一(国立環境研究所 主任研究員)
Junichi Fujino, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies
United Nations, SE4All, the ministry of Foreign affairs of Japan, Toyama City and the Energy Conservation Center of Japan declared "Toyama Declaration".
The declaration was written to take effort in spreading the activities ,and for the achievement of its initiative goals.
We will continue to cooperate and build a global partnership with all stakeholders including international organizations, national and local governments, private companies and research institutions.
- 外務省ホームページ内「SE4ALL(Sustainable Energy for All)」(外部リンク)
- 国際連合SE4Allホームページ内「Japan backs SE4All collaboretion with three major events」(外部リンク)
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